
First Prize winner and Special Prize of the Orchestra at the 8th International Jorma Panula Conducting Competition, Nathanaël Iselin is a French conductor based in Scandinavia and the Netherlands.

Iselin’s background as a contemporary percussion player cultivated in him a refined sensibility to the palette of sound colors. Combining it with an extensive training in harmony at the Paris Conservatoire, he developed a remarkable versatility that spans both classical and contemporary repertoires. His sound landscape particularly flourishes in the late-romantic and modern styles, with colorist composers such as Debussy and Ravel, as well as Mahler, Strauss and Sibelius. Paired with his percussion-trained strong sense of rhythm, he feels at home with Stravinsky, Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Bartók’s music.

Nathanaël Iselin started his conducting career as assistant conductor of the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, the first person to hold that position in Denmark. Shortly thereafter, he came to international attention by winning the prestigious Jorma Panula Competition in Finland. He was then appointed Conductor in Residence of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. He also won the second prize at the German Conducting Award, with the WDR Sinfonieorchester and Gürzenich-Orchester Köln.

In the past seasons, notable highlights included conducting the orchestras of Oulu, Vaasa, Odense, Aalborg, Phion, Iceland and Picardie, in pieces such as Berlioz “Symphonie Fantastique”, Bruckner 3rd symphony, Dvořák 8th, Debussy “La Mer”… Nathanaël is a regular guest with the Copenhagen Philharmonic and the Aarhus Symphony.
On various other occasions Nathanaël had the chance to conduct such orchestras as the London Symphony Orchestra, the Netherlands Philharmonic, the Orchestre National de France, the Singapore Symphony, the Danish Radio, Helsinki Philharmonic, Orchestre National de Montpellier, Philharmonie Konstanz. In the upcoming season he will have his debut with, among others, the Finnish Radio and Norwegian Radio Orchestras.

On the lyrical scene, Nathanaël regularly conducts at Opera Hedeland, Denmark’s largest outdoor opera venue, where he led productions of Cenerentola, Carmen and Rigoletto. He also worked as a second conductor and assistant on Smetana’s The Bartered Bride at the Bern Opera, and Zimmermann’s Die Soldaten at the Cologne Opera, the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and the Philharmonie de Paris. In the coming season he will conduct Die Zauberflöte at Stockholm’s Folkopera.

Nathanaël Iselin has studied orchestra conducting in four of the most prestigious music universities in Europe : the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris, the Hochschule der Künste in Zürich and the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen. He has been a Conducting Fellow at the Verbier Festival. Whilst a student he has been mentored by such renowned conductors as Iván Fischer, Mariss Jansons, Fabio Luisi, Susanna Mälkki, Sakari Oramo, Michael Schønwandt, Giordano Bellincampi, Johannes Schlaefli, Thomas Søndergård, Alexander Vedernikov, Simone Young and Jaap van Zweden.

He also received a bachelor’s degree in percussion and a master’s diploma in harmony from the Paris National Conservatoire, as well as diplomas in piano and music theory. As a percussionist, he has performed with the Ensemble Intercontemporain-CNSMDP, the Limoges Opera, the Nouvelle Europe Orchestra, led by conductors such as David Zinman, Dennis Russell Davies and Matthias Pintscher.



Repertoire List


J. Adams The Chairman Dances
J.S. Bach Brandenburg Concerto No.3
Concerto for Violin and Oboe in C minor
Toccata & Fugue 565, arr. Stokowski
Barber Adagio for Strings
Bartók Concerto for orchestra
Romanian Folk Dances for orchestra
A. Bax Tintagel
Beethoven Symphony 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Egmont Overture
Coriolan Overture
Violin Concerto
Violin Romanze 1 & 2
Piano Concerto 3, 4, 5
Berg Lied der Lulu
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique
Roman Carnival Overture
Bernstein Symphonic Dances from West Side Story
Bizet L’Arlésienne, Suites 1 & 2
Symphonie en Ut
Borodin Polovtsian Dances
In the Steppes of Central Asia
Bottesini Double-bass Concerto No.2
Boulez Messagesquisse
Brahms Symphony 1, 2, 3, 4
Violin Concerto
Akademische Festouvertüre
Tragic Overture
Variations on a Theme by Haydn
Hungarian Dances
Britten Simple Symphony
Bruckner Symphony 3, 8
J. Bull In Nomine a 5
S.-E. Bäck Decet
Chaminade Flute Concertino
Copland Clarinet Concerto
Fanfare for the Common Man
Debussy La Mer
Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune
Première rhapsodie pour Clarinette
Delibes Pizzicato
Donizetti English Horn Concertino
Dukas L’Apprenti Sorcier
Dvořák Symphony 7, 8, 9
Cello Concerto
Slavonic Dances
Serenade for Strings, Op.22
Elgar Enigma Variations
Pomp and Circumstance March No.1
Enescu Chamber Symphony
Romanian Rhapsody 1
Fauré Pavane for orchestra
Falla The Three-Cornered Hat, Suite 2
J. Gade Tango Jalousie
N. Gade Echoes of Ossian, Overture
Gluck Alceste, Overture
Gounod Faust, Overture
Grieg Piano Concerto
Peer Gynt, Suites 1 & 2
Holberg Suite
Haendel Concerto Grosso HWV 322
J. Haydn Symphony 45, 83, 85, 96, 101, 102, 104
L’isola disabitata Overture
Il Terremoto
G. Helsted Decet
Hummel Trumpet Concerto in Eb
Humperdinck Hansel and Gretel Overture
Hansel and Gretel – Knusperwalzer
Ibert Divertissement
Janáček Lachian Dances
W. Kilar Orawa
Kodály Dances of Galánta
Ligeti Kammerkonzert
M. Lindberg Corrente
Liszt Mephisto Waltz No.1
Lutoslawski Symphony 3
Mahler Symphony 1, 3, 4, 5, 9
Mendelssohn Symphony 3, 4
Violin Concerto
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
The Hebrides Overture
Meyerbeer Robert le Diable, Bacchanale
Moussorgsky Pictures at an exhibition
Mozart Symphony 29, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41
Piano Concerto 23 & 26
Clarinet Concerto
Oboe Concerto
Don Giovanni Overture
Le Nozze di Figaro Overture
Die Zauberflöte Overture
La Clemenza di Tito Overture
Sinfonia Concertante for four winds
Serenade in C moll KV 388
Divertimento KV 136
Divertimento KV 138
Nielsen Symphony 4
Clarinet Concerto
Flute Concerto
Maskarade Overture
Aladdin Suite
Dance of the Cockerels
Offenbach Barcarolle
Purcell Dido and Aeneas, Ah, belinda
When I am laid in Earth
Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet, Suite 2
Classical Symphony
Peter and the Wolf
Piano Concerto 1, 2
Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances
The Rock
Piano Concerto 2
Prelude Op. 23, No. 5 (orch. Iselin)
Rautavaara Hommage à Liszt Ferrenc
Ravel La Valse
Daphnis et Chloé, Suite 2
Ma Mère l’Oye
Le Tombeau de Couperin
Pavane pour une infante défunte
Gaspard de la Nuit (orch. Constant)
Piano Concerto in G major
Sheherazade, La Flûte Enchantée
L’heure espagnole, Oh, la pitoyable aventure
Reinecke Flute Concerto
Rimsky-Korsakov Scheherazade
Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia, Overture
La scala di seta, Overture
Saint-Saëns Symphony 3
Piano Concerto 2, op22
Cello Concerto 1, op33
Violin Concerto 3, op61
Danse Macabre
Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso
Sarasate Zigeunerweisen
Schubert Symphony 1
Symphony 8, unfinished
Schumann Symphony 3, 4
Piano Concerto
Cello Concerto
Overture, Scherzo and Finale, op52
Schönberg Kammersymphonie No.1, op9
Shostakovich Symphony 5, 9
Chamber Symphony op.110a
Piano Concerto 2
Cello Concerto 1
Sibelius Symphony 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
Violin Concerto
Pelleas and Mélisande
Valse Triste
N. Skalkottas Five Greek Dances
Smetana Doktor Faust Overture
E. Smyth Concerto for Violin and Horn
R. Strauss Don Juan
Der Rosenkavalier Suite
Four Last Songs
Ariadne auf Naxos, Grossmächtige Prinzessin
J. Strauss Radetzky March
J. Strauss II Die Fledermaus, Overture
Pizzicato Polka
Stravinsky The Rite of Spring
The Firebird
Pulcinella Suite
A Soldier’s Tale
Dumbarton Oaks
Concertino for 12 instruments
Symphonies of Wind instruments
F.v. Suppé Light Cavalry Overture
Tchaikovsky Symphony 1, 4, 5, 6
Violin Concerto
Piano Concerto 1
Rococo Variations for Cello
Swan Lake Suite
The Nutcracker, full ballet
Vaughan Williams The Lark Ascending
Songs of Travel
Verdi La forza del destino, Overture
La Traviata, Overture
Vivaldi The Four Seasons
Sinfonia RV 169
Wagner Tristan und Isolde, Vorspiel und Liebestod
Lohengrin, Vorspiel
Lohengrin, Akt 3 Vorspiel
Tannhäuser, Vorspiel
O, du mein holder Abendstern
Siegfried Idyll
Walton Viola Concerto
Weber Clarinet Concertino, op.26
Webern Six pieces for orchestra, op.6 (1928)
Weill The Seven Deadly Sins
J. Williams Star Wars Overture
D. Wirén Serenade
F. Zappa Dog breath, Uncle Meat



Bizet Carmen
Heise Drot og Marsk
S. Landi La morte d’Orfeo
Mozart Die Zauberflöte
Le Nozze di Figaro *
Don Giovanni *
Puccini La Bohème *
Ravel L’enfant et les sortilèges *
Rossini La Cenerentola
Smetana The Bartered Bride
Stravinsky Renard
Verdi Aida
Zimmermann Die Soldaten


* in preparation



S. Beamish Variations on a Theme of Benjamin Britten (2013)
B. Bertelsmeier Frischzellenkur (2021)
D. Bjarnason Bow to string (2010)
R. Corbisier Une guerre aveugle (2015 – world premiere)
T. Escaich Quatre Visages du temps – Organ Concerto 3 (2017)
M. Goulet Beach Ball (2017)
Symphonic Chocolates (2012)
Citius Altius Fortius (2008)
B. Gísladóttir Hringla (2022)
Flashes from the various east (2017)
Vape (2016)
P. Graham A Portrait of Paris (2013)
S. Gubaidulina Sieben Worte (1982)
Glorious Percussion (2008)
B. Gunge Uden titel (2001)
G.F. Haas Was mir Beethoven erzählt (2020)
F. Karlsson Happy, happy hell in that they (2017)
G. Khayam I am not a tale to be told (2023)
O. Koskelin Symphony 1 (2024  – world premiere)
G. Kristinsson Flekar (2021)
J. Linkola Scorpio (2021)
A.G. Madsen Träume nicht (2021 – world premiere)
Á. Másson Capriccio (2015)
A. Negrón Campos Flotantes (2024)
K. Ólafsson Mar (2020 – world premiere)
N. Pantsulaia Hydra (2018)
M. Paus Hate Songs (2014)
M. Ratkje Paragraf 112 (2014)
Concerto for voice (2015)
K. Saariaho Hush Trumpet Concerto (2023)
A. Schnelzer A Freak in Burbank (2009)
P. Sejlund Bubbles (2010)
R. Šerkšnytė Fires (2010)
C. Shaw Entr’acte (2011)
I.Skarphéðinsdóttir Pons papilloma (2021 – world premiere)
M. Skoryk Melody
N. Stookey The composer is dead! (2009)
A. Tarrodi Paradisfåglar II (2013)
H. Tómasson It relaxes me, the repetition (2018 – world premiere)
V. Vaka Gemæltan (2020)
J. Valfridsson John Bauer-Svit 1918 (2018)
F. Waksman Protonic Games (2012)
Shuai Zhang Concerto for Di (2019)
R. Zwicki 123456789 (2021 – world premiere)
A. Þorvaldsdóttir Archora (2022)
Cathamorphosis (2020)
Metacosmos (2017)